Wednesday 12 March 2014

Photo Shoot for my Music Magazine

Magazine Image Planning Document

Shoot date and time: 6th of February 2014

Image Description: Medium shot of the band 'Rage City' looking into the camera whilst they are positioned with the main singer josh at the front of the shot with the two other band members positioned behind him.

Shoot location: On the school premises, the photo is taken in front of a plain white wall in the hall way.

Model/person contact Details: My model's are peers within my class, I chose to take my front cover photo of these three boys due to the fact they are within my target audience age range.

Permission Details: Yes, my model gave full permission for the photos to be taken and used.
Props: I used a plain white wall as my background (previously stated in my image description), the costumes/clothing for my models (which helped to create the image of a rock band).

Plan of Shots: I modelled most of my photographs on magazine poses, I have taken ideas from some existing music magazines images of individual artists poses and have put them together as a group image (of the three members of Rage City), for example one boy modelled a pose I found in one magazine that I felt would be effective and fit the genre of my music magazine (rock) and the two other boys modelled different poses from different pictures/magazines that I felt would fit together for the whole pose of the band 'Rage City'. Though some of my photographs was taken just from my own ideas of effective poses and were taken on initiative. The basic idea was to create a variety of shots of the band "Rage City" that my target audience would be able to relate to in some ways (e.g being young, fun and rebellious). My over all aim was to use effective shots that would make my target audience want to buy the magazine and read the contents of the magazine, which would generate profit. The initial plan was to take a few photos of the band with a variety of angles to choose from so then I would be able to narrow down my optional front cover photo and choose the one that I felt would be most effective.

These are my initial photographs that I thought would be appropriate to use on the front cover of my music magazine, due to the fact these images represent the 'style' of my target audience which means that the image fits the genre and style of my music magazine. The three members of the band 'Rage City' on the front cover are within the range of my target audience's age. I have also used similar clothing to other models featured on the front cover of magazines with the same genre of music (rock), such as magazines like Kerrang, NME, Q etc. I have kept similarities between my music magazine 'Pitch' and magazines like 'Kerrang' because they share the same genre of music and already establish the audience's preferences. I decided to almost clone some poses of rock bands on the front cover of music magazine because I felt that they would be effective for my new released music magazine. I tried to re-enact the pose of 'Biffy Clyro', with the main singer touching his beard at the front with the two other members of the band behind either shoulder, all with serious faces but decided that this wasn't the image that I was going for due to the fact 'Rage City' is a fresh, new band that has only just made it big so I wanted to make a positive first impression of the band.



I decided to use this photo as my front cover image because I felt that it gives the best representation of the band and it allowed the audience to get a first impression of the band 'Rage City'. Also I decided to use this photo due to the fact it had the best quality out of all my potential images and had the right positioning of the band (e.g the main singer at the front wasn't blocking the view of the two other band members also all their arms were fitted in the shot correctly). I decided to put these three individual poses of the boys together because I felt that they gave the audience the impression that the band 'Rage City' are rebellious and serious about their future and are prepared to stop anyone coming between their chances of success. But I also decided to mix these three poses together as I felt that they mellow one another out, so that the boys don't look too aggressive and serious but they are still represented as being rebellious, young and enticing to the target audience of their age group. I also decided to use this image of the band as they evidently portray a similar representation of my target audience.

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