Monday 17 March 2014

Front Cover InDesign Draft: 1


I have started my front cover of my music magazine. I have decided to use this photo of the band 'Rage City' because I believe that it creates an appropriate representation of the band and reflects a positive image for the magazine, evidently showing the audience the magazines genre of music present due to the rebellious pose of the band. Also I decided to use this photo as I wanted to make sure there was 'the gaze', to keep to the codes and conventions of a magazine. I decided to keep the background of my front cover white with a grey gradient at 90 degrees so that it gave the magazine a professional feel and made the front cover look fresh, as it allowed different colours of text to stand out on the page, against the background. Also I felt that the background would be complimentary to the primary colours; red, yellow, black and white. I then used the feathering tool to blend the image in with the background around the edges, so that it didn't look too harsh. I then added a header bar and footer line to my front cover because it then gave me an idea of how big I wanted my main image to be on the page. I decided to include a header bar and footer line on my front cover as I felt that it was a quick and simple way to catch the readers eye and let them know some of the competitions and artists included in the magazine this way the reader would decided whether this style of magazine is for them. The header bar and footer line help entice the reader in by identifying the acts present in the magazine 'Pitch'. I also started to work on my splash, I decided to use the font Copperplate Gothic Bold because it was so similar to the font that I originally wanted my splash to be in when I drew my draft design of my front cover. Also I decided to make the splash bold as I felt that it was the most important part of my magazine as we want the band to gain fans and we want their already existing fans to buy the magazine to read about them so that we then get more customers and therefore profit. Also by using a bold font it allows the magazine to entice the reader to buy the magazine.

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