Tuesday 18 March 2014

Front Cover InDesign Draft: 2

This is my further development on my music magazine. I started to work on my masthead, I decided to use the font Copperplate Gothic Bold (the same as my splash) as I felt that it looked more smart to keep the same font style for my splash and masthead as they then don't over power one another, they both equally entice the reader in. Also I chose this font as it matched my draft design. I decided to use the colour black for my masthead because I felt that it stood out immediately against the white background and in comparison to the other light/bright colours present on the front cover. I thought that it was vital to make my masthead stand out from the rest of the cover page, as the mast head is considered the most important feature on a music magazine, as it promotes the brand and the audience use the masthead to reference the magazine. I decided to underline the masthead and put a line above the masthead (in black so that its sophisticated and matches its lettering) so that it works as almost a highlighting feature for the magazine, so that the masthead stands out and the audience recognise the importance of the masthead, therefore identifying the brand 'Pitch'. I also decided to centre my splash as I felt that if the masthead was in the centre of the front cover exactly, it would catch the readers attention immediately so that they could identify whether they had heard of the main artist featured in the magazine or not. The mastheads positioning will therefore catch peoples attention and will help to encourage them to want to buy the magazine to find out more about the band, due to the fact its important enough to be centred in the middle of the front cover. People will be intrigued by the band regardless of whether they are a fan. I decided to add a pug in the top right hand corner of the page to help advertise the gig guide present inside the magazine, this way people will be encouraged to buy the magazine if they are a fan of gigs or are interested in attending the up coming gigs that are suggested by the magazine 'Pitch'. I have added two boxes above my footer line ready to place my subsidiary images in, which are two samples of the posters included in the 'free poster special' included in the magazine. Lastly I have also added a barcode to my front cover, to make the magazine seem like a realistic, professional magazine that exists on sale to the public. I have attempted to make the barcode a size that a conventional existing magazine such as Q or Kerrang would include on their magazine. My research shows that the barcode and the price would be displayed in a variety of positions on a cover page.

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