Wednesday 26 March 2014

Front Cover InDesign Draft: 4

I decided to add a new sell line (that wasn't drawn on my original draft) on the right hand side of the page, underneath the existing sell line as there was too much empty space on the front cover. I made sure that the new sell line matched the same style as the other two, so I decided to use red and black font, to match the colour scheme of the front cover and the existing sell lines. I decided to keep the heading of the new sell line red (just like the other two sell lines) to emphasise the importance of the "exclusive news" being revealed and also so that it stands out in comparison to the black writing underneath. I decided to make the font of the bands name "Arctic Monkeys" bold so that the reader is able to identify immediately which band the sell is about, I also decided to use a different font to the rest of the sell line for the bands name, which was copperplate gothic bold, so that their name over powered the rest of the sell line. The rest of the sell line was in a smaller font as this information is already included in the magazine, as its just a quick leak of the story to help entice the reader in. I also decided to make the font smaller so that the sell line was able to fit on the white background and so that it didn't overlap on to the main image of the band. I decided to reveal in the new sell line that the band "Arctic Monkeys" were headling in Reading and Leeds Festival in 2014 as it is from real life updates of the festival, and not news artificially created by myself. I did this so that the magazine 'Pitch' seems as real as it could possibly be.

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