Wednesday 16 October 2013

School magazine cover - progress

This is my first attempt of creating the front cover of my school magazine. I have decided to keep the brick background of my main image because I thought that it made the magazine more interesting and less boring rather than having a plain coloured background. I also thought it was a good idea to keep the bricks as my background because I think that you can immediately identify the fact it is a school magazine straight away without even reading the masthead due to the fact the bricks give a school like feeling. I have decided to change the positioning of my sell lines on my school magazine in comparison to my first draft I had drawn because I thought they worked more effectively and fitted better this way without leaving too many spaces unlike my first draft. I have also decided to change  the font colour on my header bar and footer line because I thought that the white stood out more rather than the black because the background of my masthead and sell lines are black also. I have also decided to get rid of one of my sell lines due to the fact I didn't want my front cover to be crammed with unneeded information. I think the students will read the front cover more when there is less sell lines to read, I believe they would be put of the magazine straight away if there was so much to read to start, also I think the smaller the information you give on the front cover the more interested they'll be to find out what news is inside. So I decided to use the most important sell lines to influence students to want to buy the magazine, there no point in putting boring sell lines on the front cover that will put readers off.
Next I added my subsidiary images to my front magazine cover but I decided to place them at the bottom rather than at the top by my main image because I thought that it was too crammed and was overlapping my main image which took away the attraction and importance of it. I think that having my subsidiary images at the bottom left hand corner of my magazine is more effective because its more spacious.

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