Saturday 19 October 2013

Final front cover


 I have now added my splash and pull quote. I have kept the font colour of my splash the same as my original drawn draft because I feel that the yellow stands out a lot because the rest of my colour scheme is mainly red, black and white accept for my pug which is also yellow. I have decided to use a black frame around both of my subsidiary images because I think that it draws more attention to them and makes them look more formal and fancy. But I decided to use black frame's instead of a brighter colour so that they wouldn't stand out more than the main focuses (main image, masthead and splash). I have changed the font colour of my sell lines to white because I felt that the magazine had too many dark colours so I wanted to brighten it up a bit. I have also adjusted the main image so that the top of it is pulled closer to my masthead, I did this because I thought that the gap in between didn't look right and made the magazine look more plain and white.

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