Tuesday 15 October 2013

Options for my subsidiary images

I wanted my subsidiary images to link in with my splash and main image. I thought it would be nice to reveal to the reader the importance of that story. So I took a variety of photos for my subsidiary images so that I could choose the two images that are the most effective and my over all favourites.

The first photo I took was a medium shot of the double act whilst they were practising, I thought that this shot would give the reader a chance to make a first impression of the double act. I thought that it was a good idea to take the photo whilst they were practising so that they were in and informal atmosphere so that it could show who they truly are through the photo. Also it helps show the reader that the double act are just ordinary teenagers like themselves making the reader more interested about a story related to their age group. But I decided not to use this photo for one of my subsidiary images because one I didn't realise at the time that I took the photo that it was a tad blurry. Also I decided not to use this photo because my main image is taken of the female singer in the double act that is currently a student at King Henry so is already recognised by many students in the school due to the fact she is talented and has be involved in school productions, so I decided to take one of my subsidiary images of just the boy (guitarist) in the double act. This way I thought the readers could make an impression of him and see his style, emotion and attitude through the camera.

The second photo I took was a long shot of the guitarist holding his guitar so that straight away we could see what instrument he played. Also I decided to take a long shot so that we could see his body fully, so that we could see his style and body language so that the audience could make their first impression of the boy. But I then decided not to use this photo because I realised that the photo is taken to far a way for us to see the boys facial expression, so we cannot see his emotion and attitude in the photo.

The third photo I took is a medium shot of the boy, I think that this photo option is a lot better than the other photo that I had taken of him individually because you can see his face close up and the audience are able to see his emotions, due to the fact he has a big smile. But also this photo allows us to his instrument, style, attitude and body language so I have decided to use this image for one of my subsidiary images. The photo shows us that he is happy and we can interperate that he is confident due to his laid back comfortable attitude towards performing.
I decided for my next subsidiary image to have some form of advertising to support "The Attix". This way the students that attend King Henry school would be aware of the double act, I thought that it was a good idea to support a talented member of our school. I decided to take a photo of their main promotion poster to help promote them to students so that they would get a wider audience. But I decided not to use this photo because it doesn't show anything about the double act and also it doesn't show how serious the double act are so it isn't an effective promotion.
 Due to the fact the first promotion photo I took wasn't fully effective I decided to take a photo of a local news paper article that was based on "The Attix".  I thought that this effectively shows the reader that the double act are serious about music and are recently a hot topic in the local area, making the reader want to know more about the double act seen as they are doing well.

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