Saturday 4 January 2014

First Draft: School Magazine Content Page

I have designed a draft contents page for my school magazine, this draft is only rough meaning that it isn't necessarily the end product. This contents page may need some improvements when in the development stage, such as improving the layout and also the images need to be reconsidered more in depth e.g who will be in the photos and where will the photos be taken. I have decided to use the same colour scheme for the contents page that was apparent in the front cover of the school magazine which is red,black, yellow and white. I used these colours as they are the most present colours used in magazines today due to the fact they work well with one another, they allow eachother to stand out. I have decided to use a formal layout which is precise and smart which matches the school approach.

I have decided to keep the masthead present in the contents page, so that the reader is always informed of what magazine they are reading so that they can remember the magazine in the future if they thought it was sucessful and want to purchase it again. I have included the issue number of this magazine on the banner due to the fact it needs to be present somewhere in the school magazine. I decided to use capitals for the word "contents" so that it stands out over all other texts on the page so that it gets the readers attention to inform them that it is the contents page which immediately gives the reader an idea about what will be on this page e.g information about specific pages, what is on them and what is rated the best etc. I used these colours on the banner so that they are in contast next to one another so that we evidently recognise that the left hand side is the masthead and the right hand side is the title of this page. Also I decided to use a smaller font for the masthead due to the fact it isn't the main importance of this page it is only a reminder, whereas the word "contents" must be seen immediately for the reader to know what to expect.

I have decided to list the page numbers in a column so that it is neat, tidy and is all in one place so that the readers can identify what pages to look at for specific information. I have decided to use a yellow text on a black background for the headings so that each new topic is identified clearly. I have decided to use a white background so that it increases the visibility of the text present so that it is easy for the reader to read it.

I have decided to include an editors letter so that it follows the same format as other magazines, this letter allows the reader to connect to the magazine as a whole.

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