Wednesday 13 November 2013

School Magazine Front Cover: Analysis and Evaluation

The masthead of my magazine is "School Times". I chose this masthead because it's got a similar sound to some popular magazines that already exits. I think it's catchy and fits in well with the school genre and is straight the point, telling the readers immediatley what the magazine is about to catch their interest. I felt that my masthead could appeal to a variety of age groups and genders due to fact it's colours are neutral, were as colours like blue and green are normally assosiated with males and colours such as pink and purple are assosiated with females. I felt that this was a positive point, it meant that I could recieve a variety of readers, rather than just my target audience. So I would possibly recieve more profit for having a wider audience readership. Also I felt that the colour shceme of my masthead was a good choice because the title in red stands out on the black background and also due to the fact red and black are well known colours in the magazine industry, so I believed that this masthead would work well. I also felt that the bold font helped the mathead stand out so that it was easily visible and that the capitals highlighted the importance of the magazine and its news. But over all I believe I could have developed further and produced a better masthead by maybe using a more appealing font and increasing the size even more so that it stood out over all other aspects on the page.

I felt that my main image was quite effective for my school magazine because it was a medium close up of the girl with just a plain background of a brick wall, this way we only focus on the girl which is supposed to be the importance of the magazine so it fufils its purpose. But the brick wall still gives us an indication that we are on school premises. I feel that it is simple yet very effective it allows the audience to pay attention to what is needed. But the only negative point of my main image is that I didnt use any effects, I could of photo shopped the background out so that the main image dominates the front cover even more so than it does already. Also having a plain white background would make the school magazine look more clean and practical.

I think that my subsidiary images are effective for my school magazine because they are presented well and I feel that they have a good message behind them, they give the audience an indication of what news is being revealed in the magazine. I think that the composition of the subsidiary images is good but maybe could have been improved. Also I feel that the size of the subsidiary images are at an avaerage standard but maybe could have been enlarged a little so that the audience could see the images more clearly.

The pug I have designed is straight forward, its not very creative and doesnt have much infromation on it. But I feel that it is good that I have shown evidence of a pug on my school magazine front cover and also I think that the colour scheme of the pug is good because the bright yellow background makes the "£1" advertisment stand out. But the only negative points are that I could have produced a more interesting advertisement that would attract more customers, I didnt use my tradditional design which said "£1 usually £1. 95" so this shows that I produced a worst pug than I orginally designed.


I feel that the colour of my splash is good because it fits the colour scheme which is yellow, red, black and white which are the tradditional well know colours in the magazine industry, so this means that the colour is effective. I think that the splash is good because it is bright and intense compared to the mathead making it stand out.  Also I feel that the capitals make the splash stand out when looking at the cover of the school magazine and also highlights the importance it has on the front cover. The only negative point about the splash is it's fonts shape and size, I feel that I could've chosen a more appealing font and I could've enlarged the font size a bit more.

Over all I feel that the front cover of my magazine could have been improved in a variety of ways such as adjusting the mathead, the splash, the compisition of the main image, the pug and giving attention to details like the price, date, website and barcode.

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