Thursday 28 November 2013

Primary Research Questionnaire

In order to carry out primary research and recieve direct information from the public, I have created a muisc magazine questionnaire, so I can figure out what the audience would like to see from a magazine. My questionnaire will be given to males and females of the ages 16-25 years old, I chose this specific age group due to the fact this age group are more interested in rock music (which is my selected genre for my music magazine). I can evidently see this from my secondary research analysis of Kerrang and NME, their reader profiles tell us that the average age of their target audience is 23 years old.  I have decided to ask this age group what music genre is their favorite regardless of the fact I have already decided to focus my music magazine on rock music, because I want to find out how many people out of the 10 that I am going to ask will choose rock as their favoured genre, this will show me how strong the target audience truly is towards this specific genre. On my questionnaire I have decided to ask the public 10 questions so that I am able to gain almost all the information that I need in order to create my music magazine, also if I was to ask more than 10 questions many people would find it off putting and boring so wouldn't answer the questions effectively so my results would be invalid. The main aim of my questionnaire is to find out what my target audience really likes. I will record the data once it is all collected.

Music Magazine Questionnaire
1.      What is your biological sex?
Male                     Female □
2.      What is your most favoured genre of music?
Rock                                       Pop □             
Punk Rock                             Folk □
Indie                                       House Music □
Classical Rock                       Rave □
Opera                                     Techno □
Rap                                         Jazz □
Heavy metal                        Mowtown □
Hip hop □                                 R&B □
Others -  please state …………………………………………….
3.      How often do you purchase a music magazine?
Never            monthly □        
Weekly □         Annually □
4.      What price would you be willing to pay for your music magazine?
0-49p □            £1.00-£1.99 □      £3.00-£3.99 □
50p-99p        £2.00-£2.99       £4.00+
5.      Which of the following artists/bands would you want to read about in a music magazine?
Bring me the horizon □
Artic Monkeys □
System of the down □
Paramore □
Kasabian □
You me at six □
Blink 182 □
Others- please state
6.      What would you like to see featured in the music magazine?
News updates □      Surveys □      Reviews □
Interviews □            Pictures □      Up and comings □
Gig guides □             Poster □        Competitions □
7.      Which of the following sections from a contents page would encourage you to read a music magazine?
Regular’s □
Editor’s Letter □
Reviews of albums/downloads □
Interviews with artists □
Features on current bands □
Downloads □
Film/Television/Video Game Reviews □
Live Gigs/Festivals □
Others – please state………………………………………………
8.      Which of the following music magazines would you read?
NME □                        
Q □
Uncut □
Kerrang □
9.      Which of the following main images on the cover would encourage you to buy a music magazine?
Male Artist □
Female Artist □
Female Group □
Male Group □
Mixed Group
    10. Would you access websites or other media platforms             
associated with a music magazine?
Yes □
No □
I decided to ask the question "how often do you purchase a music magazine" so that I know from my results wether to release my music magazines weekly, monthly or annually. Also it would give me an indication wether the public like to recieve information about music through magazines or from other sources such as the interenet seen as today's society is a lot more high tech. This would help me decide wether to put other incentives in the magazine such as posters, advertisements etc.
      I asked the audience how much they would be willing to pay for a music magazine, this will give me an idea of what price range the audience will appreciate and think is a good value for money. I attend to initially set the price of my music magazine as the most popular price selected on my questionnaire, then later on when my magazine is established and I have a regular costumer fan base I will increase my profit by using a variety of pricing strategies.
     I decided to ask the audience what existing music magazine would they read because this will give me an indication of what magazine presentation style my target audience would prefer to see included in my music magazine. This will then give me an idea of what layout is prefered.

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