Friday 25 April 2014

Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

If my music magazine Pitch was a genuine media product, I would definitely use Bauer Media to publish my magazine. My main personal reason for choosing this kind of media institution to distribute my media product would be that it is the main publisher of Kerrang, which is the music magazine that I used to base the development of my magazine pages on. Also I would choose Bauer to publish my magazine seen as I have already included a few of kerrang's techniques to my music magazine Pitch, to attract my target audience effectively.

Despite my personal reasons, I would choose Bauer Media to publish my magazine for the obvious reasons such as the fact that I would want my magazine 'Pitch' to be a part of one of  the biggest publishing groups in Europe. Bauer media is seen as one of the biggest publishing groups because they have grown to become a global media empire, owning 80 brands and 230 magazines in 15 different countries which serve approximately 19,000,000 people. They also have a massive audience and statistically 4 out of 10 people experience one of their products, which could be from brands such as Kerrang and Q magazines. According to this I believe that choosing Bauer Media to publish my music magazine Pitch would be highly beneficial seen as the global acknowledgement of their existence and therefore their global success, could help my product grow   increasingly even further with their support. Choosing Bauer would also increase the chances of my media product being successful seen as it is a global media institution  that knows exactly what they're doing in the magazine industry, therefore they would be a trust worthy publisher for my magazine.

Bauer Media also publicises their products with cross-media platforms such as the Internet, Television and Radio. This would help to support my media product even further by increasing it's popularity and by gaining global recognition through advertisement of these platforms. Also I have decided to choose Bauer Media to publish my music magazine because it is evidently reliable seen as most successful and recognisable music magazines are published by Bauer, therefore I felt that it would be extremely difficult to trust any other media institution to publish my magazine. Even though there are other existing publishing groups such as IPC media that could help publish my media product, I believe that Bauer would be more beneficial as it would reliably push my media product to its full potential and also would possibly attract my music magazine 'Pitch' to a complete new target audience to create a global fan base for my product.

Bauer owns 80 brands that are all distributed by Frontline. Frontline was formed by Emap in 1986 to handle their demands of an expansion in their circulation, but frontline now distributes Bauer Media products since Bauer took over Emap publications in 2008. If my music magazine Pitch was a genuine media product, I would want the biggest magazine distributor in the UK to distribute my magazine. Frontline is the biggest distributor in the UK because it sells and distributes over 160 magazine titles, including 54 of the top 200 selling titles in the UK. Frontline distributes media products from brands such as Kerrang and Q magazines which are seen as successful magazines. Seen as Frontline is the biggest magazine distributor in the UK, therefore the most successful, I have decided to distribute my magazine 'Pitch' through Frontline.

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